Wow, I don’t know what exactly it is about this year, but I have never anticipated the changing of the season like I have for SPRING 2018!  Maybe because winter went on FOREVER?  Maybe it was the blast of some last minute snowstorms in March?  Maybe it is having a little one around again? Who knows, but it is finally Spring (the calendar even says so) and there is more grass showing in our yard than snow 🙂 That obviously means the warmer weather is slowly creeping in, and I am going to be wearing summer dresses before I know it!

During nap time, I took the time to move toy trains, sneakers (which are bigger then mine) and de-cluttered so I could snap a few pics of the signs of spring INSIDE our home.  Grab some lemonade… since SUMMER IS COMING NEXT, you can have it spiked, plain, raspberry, passion tango, whatever you prefer) and browse the photos!

The living room is the next on “mommy’s project list” for painting.  I loved the chocolate walls, but I am ready for a fresh, lighter color.  Not pure white, but maybe some shade of white, light grey??  I will start pulling together some samples.  Our walls are plaster and they show every bump and imperfection, but I have learned to embrace it, while hating them at the same time, haha!  Hanging things on the wall has never been an easy task in this 1901 little cottage farmhouse..ughh! But I will continue to roll with it, until some land opens up in our school district.  So if you have sheet rocked walls, love them, treat them well, because my friends, life could be worse! haha!



I like to add greenery anywhere I can.  I think it really warms a space and brings some of the outdoors inside.  These little pots of herbs I got on Amazon, and I don’t think they look fake, unless you are real close to them.

I honestly like how the plaster looks in the kitchen in the pictures above…  Hopefully it is the lighter color and I will fall back in love with the old charm when I paint the living room!

I like to add books wherever I can.  It gives height when needed.  I am going to start searching for older, white books, when the flea markets and garage sales start.  They can really warm up a space! Aren’t the house vases so cute!  Great purchase from Jo’s Hearth and Hand collection at target 🙂

They have them in black too… in a few different sizes (you should be able to click and go right to their site!)

I think my little helper moved the “Y”

He LOVES to help!



Happy SPRING TO ALL OF YOU! Thank you for popping in and reading 🙂


