It was 78 degrees on Wednesday, which has given me a little Spring Fever! New York doesn’t usually see 70’s in February, but hey, I will take it. 30’s and snowing yesterday, and pouring rain today, but I will still take that nice break and preview of what is to come (even if it was only one day).
I took some time to browse through my flower beds and saw hints of spring everywhere. My daffodils are peeking through the dirt, wanting and wishing for longer days. I saw crocus’ looking for that sun that we have been missing! SPRING IS ON IT’S WAY! My husband even said it. Well, not exactly how I said it…his was something along these lines: “Spring must be coming, the dog is shedding!” haha! Ughh, more dog hair, but again, I will take it if it really means Spring is around the corner!
Not sure about you guys, but when there is a changing of the season ahead, I take the time to put things into perspective. This months theme is “less is more.” Even the teenagers agree (maybe they won’t tell you) but they like simple things in life. Dinner and homemade dessert at HOME are huge in our house. Never do they even think to bring their cell phones to the table, they just enjoy the simplicity of talking together. They won’t come out and admit it, but this time of day is when I see them conversing the most, (without arguing or picking at each other). For our two year old, the simplicity was just walking in the gardens talking about the flowers coming up, and we saw a few bugs and that is a good time to a toddler! Kids don’t need a million different toys to keep them content in life. They only know what we teach and show them. So if they have 3 toys, that will be enough to them. If we continue to give and buy and buy they will think they need all that. When honestly, going on a bug hunt is WAY better than having a house full of toys.
As a mom, I have been thoughtful about less screen time. Not just my cell phone, but my laptop too. I don’t need to read all blog posts or scroll through all instagram stories each day.
STOP LEANDRA, put the screens away.
Leave the phone in the car when going into Story Time (which is AMAZING if you are looking for things to do with your little ones, FREE, and almost all library’s have StoryTime!). Emailing (and even communicating through texting) is a big part of my job, so I do need to have access to my phone and computer at some portions of the day (especially when I am working from home) but draw the line somewhere. 99% of the time that reply can wait a little while. Do your kids cry or crave your attention when you are on the phone? There is a reason! Put it down. Make a point for certain times a day to unplug, and simply enjoy the beautiful things in life!!
We take it for granted all too often!
Enjoy your weekend my friends 🙂